Usually I would get excited (or emo) about certain things and would want to record my excitement (or emotions) immediately.
But I don't know why, this time the excitement does not prompt me to immediately hit my virtual diary. I guess I was too happy to make myself a sap. Maybe I was not sap-ping! (If such word exists... :D)
My latest excitement evolves around putting in (ANOTHER!) resignation letter. Yup! After much contemplating (5 months!), after much dragging (5 months!!), and after much persuading (5 months!!!), the light finally came to me and my decision to quit was not really that difficult. As a matter of fact, I was relieved. For 5 months, I pondered if my dream was ever worth it. You know, the dream of standing behind the exhibition hall, looking at the fighter planes flying low with their ear-piercing sound, looking at the men in uniform and feeling really satisfied. I pondered if the satisfaction is well worth the sacrifice, not so on the girls but much on my self-esteem, self-worth and health.
From one woman who was proud to live her dreams, I became one who dreaded weekday mornings. I would fall asleep the night before feeling all psyched up, only to wake up feeling so worn out and wanting more sleep. Really, that wasn't a good sign. I was stressed out easily, and I would let it out on the girls. Again, not a good thing.
But like I said before, I loved the job. I loved the exposure it had given me. But I just wasn't too excited anymore. Maybe because it was not something I had expected.
So, just like everything good, everything bad just have to end. And I put an end to it, much thanks to the Boss for making it an easy one.
But not before I made a GRAND FINALE - my first ever published newspaper advertisement. Well, I mean the idea was mine, the words were mine (though my name was not splashed all over them)... and it was published just a day before my last day there. :)
Oh, if I may add - I played a part in changing that logo at the top. :P
Sure was a good closure! :D