Saturday, November 1, 2008

As I Sit Alone In That Room

As I sit there in that room yesterday
I felt sad.
Do I really want to go through this?
The alienation
The awkwardness
The unfamiliarity
I have often experience the feeling
And it's not an easy feeling.

But I don't want to be too familiar
And I don't want to be too proud
I don't want to be too comfortable
Nor do I want to be too complacent.

But I don't like charting into uncharted territories.
I don't like manuveuring new routes
Or being the newbie
And making silly mistakes.

But I need new challenges

I need the ladder to climb.

I am torn.


Anonymous said...

the only constant thing in life is change, thus have no fear in fronting change.

Change can come from within, does not necessarily mean change of surroundings,friends..

Change is in you and it's a decision only you can make.

997 said...

I like that - "the only constant thing in life is change".
