Friday, April 23, 2010

Mama's Proud of You

My dear daughter,

I know I have not been very kind to you. I have set a very high expectation over you, just like how your atok and nenek had been to me when I was at your age.

I know I have not been understanding, that I have been pushing, that I have expected you to be matured before your time.

I know I may have pushed you to accept life's hardest fact, when I should be telling you that things will be alright.

I am sorry, anakku. I am sorry that you may have to bear the burden at such a young age, when you should be enjoying your teen years growing up with friends and laughters.

I know that I have not been fair to you, that I may not shower you with much love and attention that you may need.

But seeing these pictures tonight, makes me even more shamed for the things I have blamed you for the last years. I hope I have not gone too far as to make you a bitter person and hate me all your life.

I can see that you are much loved among your friends, despite the differences among your skin color and mother-tounge. I can see that you fit well, my dear... just like those compliments thrown your way that I often brush aside.

You have blossomed into a young woman who knows no boundary in love. Just as how I'd want you to be.

Spread the love you have, anakku. Trust that those love will come back to you and hold you strong whenever you need them to.

Face the world and never let it pulls you down. No one can pull you down except for yourself.

Be strong. Be independent. Be dependable. For life is never kind, no matter how kind you are to humankind.

But remember most of all, mama's proud of you...

I love you.


1 comment:

nino de queen said...

hmm.. me too... always feel this way towards my kids.. huhu...