Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Blog My Way

Oh boy...

Guess I just get this over with. But I'm doing it my way...

"Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog."

My way:

1. I'm doing only the wierd facts about me unknown to most around me.
2. I'm not tagging anyone after this. :P Sorry!

My 7 wierd habits:

  1. I name my beloved inanimate possessions. Back when I was a teenager, I had a walkman named Man II. That was the start of it. Now I have Blue (no guessing there), Stealth (my ever loyal phone cum PDA cum iPod cum notetaker cum everything-I-want-it-to-be) and White (my sleek and sporty netbook that reminds me of White 7-series Bimmers).

  2. I collect paperbags and end their cycle. Those beautiful paperbags will go into my storeroom and will never see the light anymore! Whenever I get nice paperbags, I'll admire them, fold them nicely and will never see them again, ever. Because to me it's a sin to spoil beautiful paperbags by using them over and over again, what's more to give them to someone else. (Ah, the sin fact is #2A. *wink*)

  3. I never use corporate gifts that I get from vendors, counterparts or events. Again, it's a sin to use beautiful things! Most of the gifts I receive will end up for display on my cubicle. Well... actually I use them as handy reference whenever I need to do up corporate gifts for my events. :P Just the other day, I pulled out this nifty notebook that was meant to be used in 2007 to advertise LIMA 07. It's coming to LIMA 09 and that notebook looks like new! As it is a sin to use nifty things, I put it back next to another untouched (and beautiful) notebook given by a contractor.

  4. I have a hard time using other people's toilets. Even when in the office, I'd run back to my division if I need to. This is actually the one thing that irks me if I travel - I need clean toilets or toilets I am already used to! For unfamiliar and uncharted toilet territories, I'd send a messenger (the eldest girl, who else?) to check out the condition of the toilet under consideration and she'd come back with a full report! Darn... if only I can turn my toilet into a portable one and save her from her reporting! *sigh*

  5. I'm squirmish even with my own fallen hair. Can't explain that, but I'd use a piece of tissue paper to pick up my own hairballs. :P

  6. If I were the last to leave the office, before switching off the lights I'd give a loud salam towards the back of the office. Mind you, it does give me a spooky feeling everytime I do it. But I don't know why I still do it.

  7. It's against my conscience to use 50 sen coins. All 50 sen coins that land in my hands are bound for the piggy bank. I hate feeling refrained from using those coins if I have some in the handbag; I especially hate it when I don't have exact change for the autopay machines - those machines cough up 50 sen coins that my conscience tell me not to use! I hate it when the toll-girl at AKLEH gives back 50 sen change for the RM2 that I pay to get thru. I hate it when the mamak returns 60 sen with one 50 sen and one 10 sen when I pay for my breakfast. Just because my conscience says 50 sen coins are not to be used!

There you go! Some skeletons out from the closet... Good thing this tag thingy only needs me to list 7. I'm pretty sure I have more but I think I embarrased myself enough for the entry.


1 comment:

RaudhahRuds said...

We learn new things everyday ;)