Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Between Culture and Religion

It's that time of the year again!

The time to uphold culture that does not belong to me yet, it's adamant that I observe it to make sure that my girls know a little of what's flowing in their blood.

It's time for mooncakes and lanterns - a time to give and a time to share, in the Chinese culture.

Every year without fail at this time of the year, my eldest would bring a mooncake to school to give to her class teacher. It's a sign of respect and a give of thanks. Though she may not understand why she gets to do that every year while none of her counterparts do it, I know it gave her a sense of self and identity. Especially this year, when she's the only one of a different ethnic background in her class.

It's not because she attends a vernacular school; it's because I want her to remember her roots - one that holds much on respecting the elders.

But some may confuse between culture and religion, stating that mooncake is part of religious belief rather than a culture. To which, I'd say, even if it is, it depends much on our nawaitu (intention).

And my nawaitu stands as it is.



Azmir Ismail said...

Oh, your family got Chinese blood ke ? Bagus u ask Bat to do that .. reminds her of her roots.

997 said...

yup, she has chinese blood, ome... but it ain't from me... her father's gramma was a pure chinese adopted by a malay family.

u agree, eh?

thx! :D