Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Staring at Me Right in the Face

We've had this particular guest in the house for quite some time... oh well, maybe actually it was for about 3 weeks. The guest was kinda elusive, but kept dropping signs like as if saying 'Hi' to the host without even a proper introduction.

But me being the generous hostess, I just allowed the guest to stay without any grumble. I probably in need of space to stay one day and hey, the guest may well be my saviour! :D

I noticed that the guest had this peculiar preference for chillies - dried chilles, cili api, red chillies. Must be decendence of orang nogori, I chuckled once.

About 3 weeks into the stay, the guest started to rouse the curiosity of the life partner. He started to comment on the smell the guest had been leaving behind; I would brush him off saying "I'll clean the place up one day when I feel like it!". But one day the partner could stand it no longer. He cleared up the whole mess the guest had been creating. The poor thing must feel a little unwelcomed by now.

I have never met the guest. And being the sometimes chatterbox I am, I know that in the presence of the guest, I can be stone quiet. True enough... the next day when the guest decided to get us properly introduced, I was caught off-guard!

And the guest picked the best of all times - the rush hour. The hour to scramble and get something fixed to shush growling tummies. And of the best manner - the guest chose to surprise me by sitting contently in one of my containers, looking all sleepy and full as if expecting me to open the kitchen cabinet any time soon. Caught me by surprise he did! Shocked more like it! Wouldn't you when you open a kitchen cabinet and see a RAT staring right in your face? As if saying 'Hi, I'm Ratatouille. I'm your chef for the day!'.

Arrrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh.... run!!!

But I didn't run. I didn't scream either. I froze. Time seemed stopped. Sound seemed absorbed. I heard nothing, felt nothing, thought of nothing. Sheer peace, huh? Right...

But now as I am writing this, I thought, 'A-ha! That is what I should do.' Whenever I need a time out, a moment of sheer peace, I should recall the time when Ratatouille was staring me in the face, and freeze myself - hear nothing, feel nothing, think nothing.

What a grand idea!!!


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