Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Lonely Road...

I didn't know that it was going to be this lonely
I would've turned back
And not make the call
If I had known that this road is a loneful journey
It is a time for reflection they tell me
But more of time for remorse and sadness
And more space for emptiness to creep in

There's a reason for everything they say
But when all I see is blame and anger
I start to ask where is the reason
When life seems more unfair and cruel
And has no mercy to the one who seems to be
Carrying more patience than she should.

Time and time again I ask
Is this the path for me, dear God
For it seems so treacherous the further I go
With poisonous vines seem to pierce my soul
And wound my faith
And hamper me from moving forward.

Am I heading towards my destiny
Or am I steering away from it
There is no compass for me to follow
Nor is there the North Star
To tell me to go forward, back, left or right.

It really feels like I am in the middle of a dune, with no telling the direction, all alone, thirsty, hungry, empty.


izma es said...

it is soooo damn touching....btw, did u made it up @ picked it somewhere????

997 said...

aiyo, what a comment coming from my own blood! do u have no faith that i can write from my broken-a-thousand-times-over heart?
