Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So I was Asked...

I was posed with this question just  now, which made me chuckle a moment and stumped the next.

The question was "aina ni kerja byk2 job ke?"

I chuckled because at the back of my head, I had flashes of all the fun things that I have been indulging myself into since late June - the excessive volunteering, the commercial shooting, the job hunting, the contemplating of which job to take, the job hunting again. It is like my body has gone on overdrive and it can't be shifted down.

But those thoughts made me realize that going on overdrive for a stretch of time is not the wisest thing to do, regardless of age. Young or old, a body needs rest when a body needs rest. I guess that was what mine was trying to tell me. 6 weekends of driving up and down and running around while sandwiched between working days that start as early as 6 am can really dehydrate the engine oil of a car, what's more a human body. :)

Then the chuckle stopped, and I started thinking.

I started thinking that I must be running for something, or from something, that made me on this gear for a thad too long. Am I becoming greedy that I just want to be out there doing my volunteering all the time, while fitting in my dream of becoming a commercial star, at the same time juggling time to compile the book manuscript that is now long overdue to the dear publisher? Not to mention the part-time 'serious' work I have agreed to undertake in my so-called-free-but-does-seem-like-limited-now time.

And that sort of worries me of what I am becoming. A Jane of all trade? But a Jane of all trade is a master of nothing. But I want to be a master of everything. So how now? Do I press the slow-down button, or do I keep on the threadmill? Owh, talk of which, trying to keep a normal BMI is also in the daily to-do list.

So now the chuckle has turned into grims. Which I don't like, so I shrugged off the grims and decided, 'for as long that I am happy doing whatever that I am doing now, then I will keep on doing them for the sake of my happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction. If I find that I am no longer happy doing what I was happy doing, I can just press the stop button without having to come up with reasons.'

I guess the question was answered.


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