Saturday, August 22, 2020

4 Years and Nothing Changed!

I truly forgot this excitement.

Typing out full sentences, only to delete them coz I feel they just don't fit.

Searching for the exact word that fits the feeling.

Digging deep into myself wanting to know what is it that I want to say.

Feeling liberated.



But I also learnt that as much as I have grown over the last 4 years, some emotions are still the same. 

And it's only best to let go now.

Turn over a new leaf.

Get some fresh air.

Be the happy, easy-going me. Again.

Make plans. 


Laugh more. 

Frown less.

Love more.

Hate less.


"Ma, in 4 years time u turn 50"

"Chingu, my son's getting married next year"

Haih, and am still in denial.

So I haven't changed much. And am glad I remain constant. In that sense.


Life's gonna get better.


am sure...

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