Friday, April 3, 2009


When Twilight was premiered, I saw many of my girlfriends going ga-ga over the movie. Being a person who tries not to watch too many lovey dovey movies despite being an all-time hopeless romantic, I raised my eyebrows when Twilight was in the list of to-see movies prepared by the other half.

What's so great, I asked myself. It's fictitious - yeah, like vampires really do exist and live like other mortals, my sceptic alter-ego lamented.

But my scepticism quickly hid itself away the moment the main character, Edward, said this to his love, Bella - "You are my life."

At that, my heart stopped and my whole body stalled. I was into the moment. It was such a beautiful thing to have been said by an immortal who cares none about life - he has it in abundance! But for him to make a mortal his life... there's nothing more sweeter! *sigh* (Bear with me people, I know some of my friends are laughing on the floor reading this!)

That line got me. I wasn't breathing since Edward said it to Bella. I was engulfed by my hopelessly romantic alter-ego, wondering why Edward-kind of vampires have never existed in my life! A hopelessly romantic vampire, driving a super cool sporty Volks "and handsome plak tu!" (that particular phrase was added by my by now-obviously-jealous-movie-watching partner).

Why oh why? Maybe my blood isn't as sweet as Bella's, contaminated by the conquer-e-wak in me, spoilt by my control-freak alter-ego, smudged with my short-tempered DNA. *sigh*

But what really made my heart stopped for close to a minute was when Edward softly kissed Bella's neck, lifted up his head, smiled and said to Bella "Is it not enough to have a long and happy lifetime with me?"


(go on! laugh at me as you wish! :P)


Azmir Ismail said...

Amboii :P ... yg abg riadz jadi vampire je la ye ... kwang2 :D .. what is it with the ladies and sweet talking vampires ? Dr dulu, ladies sure suka mamat2 yg misteri2 ni ... dulu masa kolej buat camtu takde org nak pun ... uwaa....

sepanyola said...

oh my! Gelak sakan beb! Jiwang karat sehh... :p tp beb, twighlight tu pelem tahun bila eh? Napa brain cells aku ni tk leh nk recall...hmmm..

997 said...

Omecool20, i said to him " Edward tu immortal, u tak leh la lawan masuk kelas dia...." (or something like that - disclaimer tuh!)... Hahahaha... Oh yes, mamat yang misteri2 ni challenging! U buat misteri2 kat kolej dulu, u misteri trus (as in ilang terus!).... cuba buat ala2 Tan Muzaffar or Taib Iskandar, sure ramai yang join fan club u! (or maybe your name should have started with 'T' :P)

Sepanyola beb, confirm jiwang karat! Twilight tu kuar around 2 months ago ler... tsk tsk tsk...