Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I can't help but feel sick over the game the politicians in Perak are playing. Do they think that we the rakyats are that dumb? Let the high court decide and suddenly appeal and get to rule the state again?

I mean, like... can't they just accept the ruling? Why bother to appeal? And why say things that nauseate people? It's just simply sickening!

And I thought the mastermind is behind all these? Where is the mastermind? I thought he commented negatively yesterday... why is he quiet today?

I was hoping that Najib doesn't do much of things like his recent predecessor, but I hoped too soon. I should have known that anything from the same mould would come out the same shape. Fruits from the same tree taste the same...

It's like having no air to breathe now... suffocating... nauseating... disgusting!

But to top it all - humiliating!


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