Monday, May 11, 2009

Yet Another Half An Hour

Just like the past few working days, this morning I stared blankly into the wardrobe. Amidst the hanging blouses, shirts and what-nots, I couldn't decide on anything to wear to work today. Not enough with flipping thru my mental catalogue of possible outfit, I flipped thru each and every one slowly allowing my fingers to feel the material.

"Nope." With a sigh, I walked out of the room leaving the wardrobe door open wide.

I opened the closet where I keep all my baju kurungs. Again, mental catalogue against actual look and feel. Why oh why has it come to this? It's so difficult to decide on what to wear! Maybe I should train for a six-pack so that I don't get too embarrassed if I decide to go to the office with bikini top and a piece of sarong. :P

The torture of making the simplest of decisions.

When I finally walked out of the house, I was greeted by Auntie K.

Auntie K: Why so late?

Me: Didn't know what to wear.

Auntie K: Who?

Me: Me.

Auntie K: Why, where are you going?

Me: Nowhere, just the office. (By now I already have a shameful smirk on me.)

Auntie K: That's why!

Hahahhahahahahhaha.... Oh well, I'm so going to miss your witty responses, Auntie K! But only if you know tough a decision it was to even pick this simple red baju kurung.

Maybe I need a wardrobe change. Maybe I need a new zest. Maybe I need to not pick what to wear to work. Maybe I don't need to work... :P

Oh well.

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