Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Call

I just got the call. The long awaited call. The number that appeared was +6000. I wondered if it was a long distance. Who'd call me? From where? Hopes went up, hopes started flying... could it be? Could it be?

Me: "Hello?" (with a very cautious voice)
The person: "Hello... Is this Cik Aina Othman?"
Me: "Yes" (still cautious, but hope already flying)
The person: "I am Lina, calling from Digi Billing Department"

Ho ho ho... Santa has arrived, and he arrived real early too. The call was from Digi to let me know that my RM73.45 has now been transferred from my expired number to the new one!

YEAY!!! (Though I must say all my hopes came crushing down soon after the lady introduced herself...)

HAHHAHAHHAHAH... what a fool, me.

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